2 Newsletter del Proyecto CarE-Service

  1. Ya puedes consultar la segunda Newsletter del Proyecto CarE-Service, donde se recoge la posición del consorcio respecto a la nueva legislación propuesta a nivel europeo en cuestión de baterías. También se presentan los nuevos servicios que se desarrollan en el marco del Proyecto, así como los potenciales modelos de negocio en la cadena de valor de metales.


Newsletter coming from CarE Service project

  1. Envirobat is glad to present the first Newsletter coming from CarE Service project in which we are partners. You can see a general view on the project and there are also highlighted the impacts expected that the project will generate in the Electric vehicle Circular Economy.



ENVIROBAT ESPAÑA is running the DIREN-LIP Project: ‘Discharge, Inertization and Non-thermal REcovery of Lithium from Primary batteries’, whose main objective is to study new recycling processes for primary Lithium batteries.

This project will allow the company to expand the know-how acquired in recent years by its R&D Department in recycling this type of battery and in the use of all the resulting fractions.

ENVIROBAT ESPAÑA, S.L. within the framework of the INVEST IN SPAIN Program, has had the support of ICEX and the co-financing of the European FEDER fund. Contract Nº: 2021/34.


3rd CarE-Service Newsletter

Here we have the third newsletter from CarE Service Project, come and read it!